Clipper is a clipboard utility for organizing & easy access to clips while making copy/paste actions inside the Unity game engine's editor.
"Clip" Definition: A "Clip" refers to a piece/block of data containing serialized information from a copied object. This includes essential creation metadata like the source path, source type, creation date, main object data, etc. All of which is presented in the clipper window for visualization.
In unity copying/pasting components or objects or their properties is a common practice. However, handling each copy/paste separately and tracking them is not possible.
Not just that accidental multiple clicks on "copy" can replace recent copies, wasting time and making data reproduction extra hassle. Such as while spending hours tweaking something large such as a car controller to get perfect values in test play and then copying that value for applying it in the source component but somehow you click copy again instead of paste. In solution to these Clipper does a great job by keeping track of all clips and organizing them for the best use of it. It can handle things that Unity's default copy/paste can't.
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